Monday, June 6, 2011

and it's hot, hot, hot...

I officially made my decision to attend graduate school at Immaculata in the fall. This means that I have one more year of eligibility for cross country/track&field. I've been training for about 2 weeks, but I haven't fully made my decision to run. I guess I am more worried about what people would think versus doing it because I want to. Face it, I love to run and I love being part of the team.. why would I deny myself the opportunity to be part of the team? It sounds silly to not do something because I am afraid of what people would think. 

Regardless, I have been training despite not knowing whether or not to run. Training has been good, I've been running in the a.m. before it gets terribly hot. On Friday I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch, then ran in the afternoon. That felt 10x better than running in the morning after not eating or drinking anything. I think I am switching my routine to the evenings because I am fueled from breakfast and lunch. I'm always exhausted in the morning, so this gives me the opportunity to fuel up, plus if I run xc we practice in the afternoon, so i have to get used to the heat. 

I do think that I am going to compete. I will be living with two of my teammates, so not competing will make me feel awful :)

Today is a 40 minute run with a stretching and strengthening routine :) loooove it. Plus I am hitting up the gym to do some weight work and an ab class with my mom. Along with that, I've been getting ready for my interview tomorrow- sounds like a fab. day! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shoes, shoes, shoes

I am absolutly in LOVE with these shoes. They are so fierce- green and zebra! It's a shame that my collegiate running career is coming to end, it's becoming more bittersweet day by day. I'm pretending that it's not happening, and graduation isn't in 53 days but it's getting difficult to ignore. Yes, I am ready to gradute, but I love college and the track/xc team. It just stinks that next year I'll be off on a bigger adventure (hopefully Ameri-Corps).

Anyway, I need to find a way to buy these shoes. My cash funds are running low, but new trainers are necessary- both of my pairs and worn out, at least for racing. They would be beneficial, and I'm pretty sure they are my type ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

50 minutes, no big deal...

Yesterday's workout was killer. It was a 600, 400 x 5. Ick. The air was thick, it was chilly and I was exhausted- clearly all factors to have an amazing workout. Today, surprisingly, felt fabulous. Kurt met up with me and ran, which was nice- we haven't run together in awhile and it was wonderful to run with him. I ran about 50 minutes, instead of the allotted 45, but it felt so good! I just wanted to keep going.

We also did push-ups and 100 crunches. Hello beach body 2011! ;)

The weather is getting nicer, so I am getting happier and a happy Sarah is always wonderful and a good time to be had by all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lebanon Valley College

I can't even begin to be pleased with how I ran on Friday. I ran like poop. My 400 was decent, but my 800 was terrible- I didn't even race! I felt so terrible that I don't even want to talk about it. 

I am working on looking past the bad race, and moving forward. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Running is so bittersweet...

Hey ya'll, I can finally run again! I've been cleared to run for about 4 weeks now, I've just been so busy that updating my blog has unfortunatly fallen to the bottom of my list. But I'm back with a new resolve to update more frequently and train harder!

The past few weeks of training have been alright. We've been doing a ton of speedwork combined with long runs. Take yesterday for example, distance went on a 45 "easy" run, and then 4x150 meter pick-ups. It was decent. Monday and yesterday were terrible training days, I felt and ran like crap. Ugh, I hope the meet on Friday goes well.

Between all the homework and classwork for classes, editing/developing stories for the newspaper, the workload from my internship and applying to Ameri-Corps I am pooped out. It's starting to affect my running, and not in a positive light. Oh well, in spite of all things negative, I have to remain positive, keep my head up and keep going.

Our first Outdoor Track meet is Friday at Lebanon Valley College. I am excited, but also nervous. Remember how I had kidney stones back in January/February? Well, I still have one chilling in my right kidney and it has started to agitate me this week. Fabulous. I think I am over-analyzing the whole situation.


I figure if I keep saying that to myself I'll start to believe it- hopefully at some point today.

Kurt and I signed up to participate in a Rebel Run in June. It's a 3-day campout and the participants can run either Saturday or Sunday. We are running on Saturday, June 18 at 11 a.m. I am so excited! We are running the 5k race, 3.1 miles of grueling military-type obstacles and total MUD! On the plus side, we get free gear, a t-shirt and a beer voucher! Sounds like a great day to me! Camping out is $90, but it seems like it could be fun.

"Human beings are made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called courage." – George Patton

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day #8 without running

I think I am going crazy. I understand that with kidney stones I need to rest and everything, but this is driving me insane. Kurt tells me to write, but being so active and then going to non-active... ah! I can't stand it.

Update: I am going to the hospital tomorrow for scans, xrays and bloodwork to determine the current status of my 'rolling stones.' I then get my films, and head to my urologist, who will then determine my current state and if I need surgery, or can/cannot run. I am aiming to be running by next Wednesday. Might as well be a lifetime, though.

The unfortunate thing is that IU has my doctors note stating "no strenuous activity" which means I can't even try to get around it. I'm stuck. Although, I am going to ask Scott if I can swim, or bike, or something. I looked online (the most valuable source of information these days ;) ) and found out that I can do yoga. Where is Renae when I need her? Haha. I miss her terribly, but she ALWAYS did yoga in our room and now that I feel like joining, I can't. I could probably find a yoga dvd from the library but I don't want to do that- I want to SWEAT and PUSH MYSELF and LIFT WEIGHTS. gahhh, I want to be sore when I get up in the morning. Right now all I feel is bloated. Yuck. Maybe that means the stones are moving.

So, while my training regiment is put on hold for me to get better, my teammates have been practicing hard and getting ready to bring the heat. We actually did decently this past weekend, except for a little motivation problem. In high school I was always so negative about my running that I never did well. In college, finally, I was able to get over my mindset and my running has been improving. I think our team just needs a bit of positive reinforcement, but I've realized that no matter how often I tell someone how fabulous they are, or how hard they have been working, I can't run the race for them and they have to make the decision on how they are going to react- negatively or positively.

I am struggling with being a leader, and being unable to run. I am still trying to remain positive, but it's hard. I still get upset when I see my teammates running/working out and I can't join. I swear, it's like a party I was invited to but can't participate or socialize with anyone. 

Mainly I just feel like a big lump on a log.

Gotta keep pushing through, even when the end of the road looks hopeless.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Circuit: My Worst Nightmare

On Friday we ran at Ursinus College. I felt fabulous, despite pulling my back last Tuesday. My 800 was 2:51 (I think). All of my splits were just about even; 41, 42, 45, 41. The third lap I kinda fell asleep, but I am going to work on it. I felt like I did fall asleep, and I had a bit too much energy left at the end. Oh well, it's all a learning experience and it felt great. I am pretty proud of myself and I am looking forward to improving my times.

Today it was cold outside, so Alex let us run inside. Sprinters did a pool workout (LUCKY) and the mid/distance did a circuit and a 50 minute treadmill workout. I feel fabulous and tired all at once. It's a good kind of exhausted, though. Since the gym was busy during practice, Kevin, Stash and Joe ran first while Sam, Destiny, Eric, Leonard, Chris and myself did the circuit. 

Circuit: shoulder press, lunges, running arms, abs with medicine ball, push ups, jump rope, squats with bar, step ups with weights and bench presses. All were 60 seconds and we did the circuit twice. 

Workout: 50 minutes total on the treadmill. 20 minute warm up, 1.5 mile run at race pace, 20 minute cool down. 

The entire practice was about 2 hours. It felt great, but it was exhausting. I hope all practices are like this! That was I will be exhausted at night and will hopefully be able to get some sleep. 

Lets see how I feel tomorrow morning! :)

It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.
Elizabeth II 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stuck on the bike...

I didn't run yesterday. I left my room once yesterday because I was SICK. It was awful. My day started great because since the roads were icy, I didn't have to go to my internship. I slept until 10:00am, went to get out of bed to shower and begin my day, when I pulled a muscle in back! I mean, my back FREAKED out. Oh gosh. It was so painful, and the moment it happened my entire back tensed up and I wanted to cry. Needless to say I was stuck in my room the entire day. I threw up around 12:45, then went to the trainers because my stomach felt a bit better. Well, after receiving heat/simulation on my back I had to run to the bathroom and throw up (again).

I then crawled to my room, and after much rearranging and trying to get comfortable, I finally slept for about an hour. I skipped practice because of the throwing up and the inability to move. Around 7:00 pm, I felt better because I ate and took an Aleve. That stuff REALLY works!

I was afraid to move this morning, but I did and have been decent all day. My back started to hurt around 1:00, so at 3:00 I went for heat and stretching in the training room. Leslie didn't let me run, so I biked for 30 minutes. My back began to hurt again after 15 minutes. Ugh. I am afraid to run because Mom has back troubles occasionally and I really don't wanna screw it up. My goal is to workout and make my lower back stronger because that is a really weak point for me. I'm nervous to run because I am afraid it will spazz out again. I never want to feel that kind of pain again. It was awful. Especially with throwing up, ugh, I just wanted to rip it out of my body.

I am supposed to be running the 800 and 4x4 on Friday, but I am really nervous. What if my back tightens up in the middle of my race? I can't run through it, I was taken to the floor when it happened yesterday and I just got up to walk. I need to think positive thoughts, but even if I run tomorrow I am still going to be nervous... especially running at a harder pace then I will be running in practice tomorrow.

"The Truth is that Running Hurts. No one gets faster without meeting their personal pain barrier straight on. No amount of junk miles, fun runs or affirmations are going to get you over the hill at the five mile mark in a 10k. However, what will pull you through is solid prep with hard hill runs and interval work."
- Manciata's explanation of the Truth about Running

Monday, January 17, 2011

Not even the cold keeps IU off the track

I felt the cold down to my bones today. For some reason I was chilly all day today, and practicing outside at 4:00 p.m. didn't exactly help the matter. Regardless, the distance team ran outside today, and surprisingly, it felt great. No, I didn't warm up and yes, my legs, fingers, face and toes were nearly numb by the time we were finished. I layered today: underarmour cold gear, a lined pullover, my xc jacket, breathable (but warm) running tights, calf socks, a hat, gloves and a scarf. I probably looked ridiculous because I didn't match at all, but I was semi-warm from sweating so much so that's okay.

We did a workout today. 20 minute warm up, 1 mile tempo, 5 hills and a 10 minute cool down. It's odd how I can feel drained but so good at the same time. Has anyone else ever experienced that? It's that feeling of being so worn out, but it felt so fantastic to get out and work hard.

The mile felt good, although my legs were exhausted today. I wanted to just keel over during the hills, but kept pushing myself to power through them and maintain good form. As much as I hate running, I love it. I was discussing this with my coach earlier, about how I have a love/hate relationship with running. It's so painful and I feel so tormented during the run, but I feel so great and accomplished after. It's the weirdest combination of feelings, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I think I need a good massage, or a good stretch in the shower- that's free!

Here is a quote I found while reading online blogs on training in the cold:

"One important thing is to NEVER let yourself make excuses to skip a run just because it's cold out."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kutztown Invitational: January 14, 2011

There are two things I would like to adress in this blog- 1. the point of it, 2. how the meet went last night at Kutztown.

Number 1, the point of this blog is to keep you up to date on my running career- the trainings, team bonding, ups and down and everything in between. I love running, and decided to keep a blog about it, after reading a few other ones.

I have a few running goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime:
1. Run the Broad Street Run sub 90 minutes.
2. Run a half-marathon.
3. Run a full marathon.
4. Run a triathalon and qualify for Ironman.
5. Compete in the Ironman Competition in Hawaii.

Number 2, Immaculata had our first ever track meet at Kutztown last night. This is the first year for a track team at Immaculata- we are making history, baby! I was so nervous, but knew I had to be confident and motivational for my team. Having to be confident actually helped my performance because I didn't let myself be nervous, at least until I stepped up to the starting line when it hit me that I was on a track (at a college level) for the first time since high school. It was such a fantastic feeling, I forgot how great it felt.

I love the wildness of Cross Country, but I love the intensity of track. It's so intense, each lap more competitive than the last. The strangest thing happened last night during my 800 and 400 (I was the first leg of our 4x4 relay team). When I stepped to the starting line my hands were sweaty, I was shaking and I couldn't seem to focus. As soon as I heard the words "On you mark..." and we all stepped to the line I began to calm down. By the time I heard "Get set..." I was fully calm, and 100% focused on my race. As soon as the announcer said "Go!" and the gun went off, I took off running and it felt great. The adrenaline was pumping, and I knew I only had 4 laps (in my 800, and 2 laps in my 400) to make the race count. Something about the pressure makes me run harder.

In Cross Country, my mindset is 25 minutes to compete, I can always come back. In track it's a full blown sprint, I only had 4 laps (or 2 laps) to do well. I didn't get any time to make it up, there was no "I will catch her later." The mindset is, "It's now or never and I better damn well do it now."

No, I didn't break any world records, but I did get an idea of where I stand and what I need to do for the remainder of the season.

800- 2:56
400- 73 seconds (1:13)

800- sub 2:30
400- sub 65

Bring it on snow, sleet, rain, heat- I can handle you... nothing will deter me from achieving this goal.

          Success comes from the singless of purpose